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Getting Started

Helm is a package deployment tool for Kubernetes. It can be used with PingDevops to deploy all the components of the Solution with a simple command.


  • Kubernetes Cluster
  • Helm 3
  • Ping Identity DevOps User/Key

Openshift support

Ping Helm charts support Openshift. To see how to configure the values.yaml file to do so, see this page

Create Ping DevOps Secret

The charts use a secret called devops-secret to obtain an evaluation license for running images.

  • Eval License - Use your PING_IDENTITY_DEVOPS_USER/PING_IDENTITY_DEVOPS_KEY credentials along with your PING_IDENTITY_ACCEPT_EULA setting.
  • For more information on obtaining credentials click here.
  • For more information on using pingctl utility click here.
    pingctl k8s generate devops-secret | kubectl apply -f -

Install Helm 3

Ensure that you have Helm 3 installed.

  • Installing on MacOS (or linux with brew)
brew install helm

Add Helm Ping DevOps Repo

helm repo add pingidentity

List Ping DevOps Charts

helm search repo pingidentity

Update local machine with latest charts

helm repo update

Install the Ping DevOps Chart

Install the ping-devops chart using the example below. In this case, it is installing a release called pf:

  • PingFederate Admin instance
  • PingFederate Engine instance
helm install pf pingidentity/ping-devops \
     --set pingfederate-admin.enabled=true \
     --set pingfederate-engine.enabled=true

or, if you have a ping-devops-values.yaml:

# ping-devops-values.yaml
  enabled: true

  enabled: true
helm install pf pingidentity/ping-devops \
     -f ping-devops-values.yaml

Accessing Deployments

By default, the components of a release are prefixed with the release name. Continuing this example, everything will be prefixed with pf. Use kubectl to see the pods created.

View kubernetes resources installed:

# get just pods
kubectl get pods

# or get even more
kubectl get all

View Logs (from deployment):

kubectl logs deployment/pf-pingfederate-admin

Uninstalling Release

To uninstall a release from helm, use the following helm uninstall command:

helm uninstall pf