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PrivateCert Configuration

Generates a private certificate (.crt and .key) based on the internal hostname of the service.

Global Section


privateCert is currently only supported by PingAccess.

Default yaml defined in the global privateCert section. By default certificates will not be generated. It is advised to NOT generate internal certs at the global level, as many services don't need a private cert on the internal service.

  # Internal Certificates
  # If set to true, then an internal certificate secret will
  # be created along with mount of the certificate in
  # /run/secrets/internal-cert (creates a tls.crt and tls.key)
  # By default the Issuer of the cert will be the service name
  # created by the Helm Chart.  Additionally, the ingress hosts,
  # if enabled, will be added to the list of X509v3 Subject Alternative Name
  # Use the additionalHosts and additionalIPs if additional custom
  # names and ips are needed.
  #      privateCert.generate: {true | false}
  #      privateCert.additionalHosts: {optional array of hosts}
  #      privateCert.additionalIPs: {optional array of IP Addresses}
    generate: false
    additionalHosts: []
    additioanlIPs: []

Product Section

Generating an internal certificate is as simple setting the privateCert.generate to true.

Example of generating an internal certificate for pingaccess-engine


This will ultimately create a secret named {release-productname}-private-cert containing a valid tls.crt and tls.key.

By default the Issuer of the cert will be the service name created by the Helm Chart. Additionally, the ingress hosts, if enabled, will be added to the list of X509v3 Subject Alternative Name.

The product image will then create an init container to generate a pkcs12 file that will be placed in /run/secrets/private-keystore/keystore.env that will be mounted into the running container.

When the container's hooks are running, it will source the environment variables in this keystore.env. The default variables set are:

  • PRIVATE_KEYSTORE_PIN={base64 random pin}
  • PRIVATE_KEYSTORE={pkcs12 keystore}

These environment variables are required in the data.json.subst file in-order to use the generated privateCert. They can be used in any server-profile artifacts to be replaced when the images are started.