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Release Notes

Release 0.10.8 (September 4, 2024)


  • Updated default global image tag to 2408.

Release 0.10.7 (August 6, 2024)


  • Updated default global image tag to 2407.

Release 0.10.6 (July 2, 2024)


  • Updated default global image tag to 2406.

Release 0.10.5 (June 5, 2024)


  • Updated default global image tag to 2405.

Release 0.10.4 (May 1, 2024)


  • Updated default global image tag to 2404.

Release 0.10.3 (March 29, 2024)


  • Updated default global image tag to 2403.

Release 0.10.2 (March 1, 2024)


  • Updated default global image tag to 2402.

Release 0.10.1 (February 5, 2024)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix templating failure when not specifying ingress.spec.ingressClassName with Ingress enabled.

Release 0.10.0 (January 31, 2024)


  • Updated default global image tag to 2401.
  • Added support for setting environment variables in utility sidecar pods, with the utilitySidecar.env value.
  • Added support for setting ingressClassName in Ingress specs with the ingress.spec.ingressClassName value.


  • Updated generated PVC definitions to include annotations.

Release 0.9.22 (December 29, 2023)


  • Updated default global image tag to 2312.

Release 0.9.21 (December 4, 2023)


  • Updated default global image tag to 2311.


  • Updated the workload template to avoid setting replicas when autoscaling is enabled.
  • Improved capabilities checks for apiVersion field to avoid issues with prerelease Kubernetes versions.

Release 0.9.20 (November 2, 2023)


  • Updated default global image tag to 2310.
  • Added environment variables for PingDirectoryProxy to support enabling automatic server discovery.


  • Updated the CronJob template to handle the switch from batch/v1beta1 to batch/v1 in Kubernetes 1.25.

Release 0.9.19 (September 6, 2023)


  • Updated default global image tag to 2308.

Release 0.9.18 (August 28, 2023)

Resolved Defects

  • Fixed incorrect yaml formatting when setting testFramework.rbac.serviceAccountImagePullSecrets.

Release 0.9.17 (August 25, 2023)


  • Added support for setting imagePullSecrets in workloads.
  • Added support for setting testFramework.rbac.serviceAccountImagePullSecrets to add secrets to the testFramework service account.

Release 0.9.16 (August 2, 2023)


  • Updated default global image tag to 2307.

Release 0.9.15 (July 13, 2023)


  • Updated default global image tag to 2306.


  • Updated template to allow setting a custom workload type when using a HorizontalPodAutoscaler.

Release 0.9.14 (June 02, 2023)


  • Updated default global image tag to 2305.

Release 0.9.13 (May 04, 2023)


  • Updated default global image tag to 2304.

Release 0.9.12 (April 03, 2023)


  • Updated default global image tag to 2303.
  • Updated the workload topologySpreadConstraints field to automatically set matchLabels to match the workload labels.

Release 0.9.11 (March 03, 2023)


  • Updated default global image tag to 2302.
  • Added default environment variables to pingdirectoryproxy to support joining a PingDirectory topology.

Release 0.9.10 (February 03, 2023)


  • Updated default global image tag to 2301.
  • Updated the securityContext defaults for Pods and containers in the ping-devops Helm chart to satisfy the "restricted" Pod Security Standard in Kubernetes
  • Added support for running a separate LoadBalancer service for each PingDirectory pod. This may be useful when running across multiple regions when using VPC peering isn't possible.

Resolved Defects

  • Updated the HorizontalPodAutoscaler API to use the correct value for Kubernetes versions greater than 1.23.

Release 0.9.9 (January 03, 2023)


  • Updated default global image tag to 2212.
  • Removed pingdatagovernance and pingdatagovernancepap from the chart. Use pingauthorize and pingauthorizepap instead.

Release 0.9.8 (December 05, 2022)


  • Updated default global image tag to 2211.
  • Custom annotations can now be specified for Services.


  • Fixed HorizontalPodAutoscaler autoscalingMetricsTemplate being inserted in the wrong location in the generated yaml.
  • Fixed the documentation in values.yaml referring to pingdirectory.cronjob.jobspec rather than the correct value pingdirectory.cronjob.jobTemplate

Release 0.9.7 (November 02, 2022)


  • Updated default global image tag to 2210.

Release 0.9.6 (October 04, 2022)


  • Updated default global image tag to 2209.
  • Added support for deploying a HorizontalPodAutoscaler for pingaccess-engine, pingfederate-admin, pingdelegator, pingauthorize, pingauthorizepap, pingcentral, and pingdataconsole. Previously, deploying a HorizontalPodAutoscaler was only supported for pingfederate-engine.
  • Added support for setting the podManagementPolicy for StatefulSet workloads. The default policy is OrderedReady. The Parallel policy allows for starting up multiple Pods of the StatefulSet simultaneously, improving initial deployment times. Parallel startup is only supported with PingDirectory and PingDataSync, and only with images version 2209 and newer.

Release 0.9.5 (September 01, 2022)


  • Updated default global image tag to 2208.
  • Added support for setting container-level securityContext values for the main container of each workload. By default no container-level securityContext will be set. A container-level securityContext isn't necessary if the values from the Pod-level securityContext are sufficient.
  • Added support for setting the topologySpreadConstraints field on workloads.
  • Added support for setting the enableServiceLinks field on workloads.


  • Added an example for mounting keystore secrets with Vault
  • Added an example for mounting secrets with CSI volumes (which can be used for various storage systems including AWS secrets manager)
  • Fixed Helm RBAC example using an invalid serviceAccountName for pingauthorize
  • Added a doc page describing how to update product versions
  • Added example docs for deploying PingDirectory and PingFederate in a multi-region environment with Helm

Resolved Defects

  • Removed support for apache-jmeter, since it is better suited to run as a Job than as a long-running workload.

Release 0.9.4 (August 05, 2022)


  • Updated default global image tag to 2207.
  • Added support for apache-jmeter

Resolved Defects

  • Fixed an issue making it impossible to use an existing service account (an account not managed by the Helm chart) for a workload. An existing service account can now be used by specifying the {product}.rbac.serviceAccountName field while leaving {product}.rbac.generateServiceAccount set to the default false value. See the PingAuthorize section of the updated RBAC example

Release 0.9.3 (July 01, 2022)


  • Updated default global image tag to 2206.
  • Added support for PingIntelligence.
  • Updated the Helm chart to support generating ServiceAccounts, Roles, and RoleBindings for a workload. These can be generated globally (one common to each workload) or individually for each workload. By default none will be generated.

    These can be controlled with the global.rbac (or {product}.rbac) section. To generate a common ServiceAccount usable by all workloads, use global.rbac.generateGlobalServiceAccount. Use rbac.generateServiceAccount to generate separate ServiceAccounts for individual workloads. Similarly, use global.rbac.generateGlobalRoleAndRoleBinding and rbac.generateRoleAndRoleBinding for creating a Role and RoleBinding.

    Set rbac.applyServiceAccountToWorkload to true to set the account on the Deployment or StatefulSet. The name of the ServiceAccount will be autogenerated unless the rbac.serviceAccountName field is set. The specific Role yaml can be provided in rbac.role.

    The Vault default has changed. The Vault serviceAccount will now default to the autogenerated account for the workload, instead of the previous default of "vault-auth". This can be overriden by setting the vault.hashicorp.annotations.serviceAccountName value.

    See the table with sample Helm chart value files found on the Ping Identity Devops Portal for an example.

  • Added a default empty global.labels section.

Release 0.9.2 (June 02, 2022)


  • Updated default global image tag to 2205.
  • Added support for providing a null securityContext for a workload, which is useful for OpenShift security context constraints.
  • Added support for enabling Ingress for pingdirectoryproxy and pingdatasync.
  • Updated pingdirectoryproxy to be a StatefulSet by default in the Helm charts, with the persistent volume disabled. This supports having consistent proxy pod names.
  • Added a new privateCert.format field, which can be set to "pingaccess-fips-pem" to generate a cert that can be used by PingAccess when running in FIPS mode. The cert is generated by a temporary PingAccess initContainer, as PingAccess requires a specific format for certs when in FIPS mode that must be generated from PingAccess itself. Leaving the field blank or setting it to any other value will generate a cert in the same manner as before - adding the key pair to a PKCS12 keystore file.
  • Updated the externalImage values section to expect the same format for image: as the individual products (repository, image name, tag, etc. are provided separately). If no image values are specified for an externalImage, the corresponding defaults from the main product section will be used. For example, if global.externalImage.pingtoolkit.image is empty, then the values from the top-level pingtoolkit.image section will be used.

Release 0.9.1 (May 05, 2022)


  • Updated default global image tag to 2204
  • Updated the PingDataSync env vars ConfigMap to include variables needed to enable failover between servers. Failover will be enabled when deploying two or more PingDataSync replicas
  • Reduced utilitySidecar resource requests

Resolved Defects

  • Updated the image.repositoryFqn field to be consistent with the other fields under image. Previously, repositoryFqn was expected at the same level as the image: section, now it is expected within the image: section like other fields (tag, pullPolicy, etc.). The image tag must now be provided separately from the repositoryFqn. The repositoryFqn should only be the name of the repository, not the tag of the specific image.
  • Fixed a version check in the Helm chart for choosing the correct k8s API for Ingress. The version check was previously failing on EKS clusters due to the format EKS uses for the cluster version.

Release 0.9.0 (April 01, 2022)


  • Default global image tag updated to 2203
  • Customizability on Cronjob and Utility Sidecar
    • Override jobTemplate in CronJob now available.
    • Override image used in utilitySidecar now available.
  • Updated the default PingDataSync workload in the Ping devops Helm charts to use a StatefulSet rather than a Deployment. This ensures that the sync-state.ldif file is maintained between pod restarts.

Release 0.8.9 (Mar 17, 2022)


  • Edit from 0.8.8 release. Previously the image fully qualified name also included the image tag, which was then duplicated upon deployment when "tag" value present.

Release 0.8.8 (Mar 16, 2022)


  • Added support for fully qualified image location. For more information go to the image section in our values.yaml
        repository: pingidentity
        tag: "2202"
        pullPolicy: IfNotPresent

Release 0.8.7 (Mar 11, 2022)


  • Corrected Default global image tag updated to 2202

Release 0.8.6 (Mar 3, 2022)


  • Default global image tag updated to 2202

Release 0.8.5 (Feb 7, 2022)


  • PingCentral now supported. Example values application found here

Issues Resolved

  • Issue #119 Workload template not honoring false values from values.yaml. Previously, false did not overwrite true in the Ping Identity Helm Chart template. This fix in _merge-util.tpl will resolve multiple cases within the Ping Identity Helm Chart.
    {{- $globalValues := deepCopy $ -}}
    {{- $prodValues := deepCopy (index $top.Values $prodName) -}}
    {{- $mergedValues := mergeOverwrite $globalValues $prodValues -}}
  • Issue #264 Update default global.image.tag to 2201

Release 0.8.4 (Jan 7, 2022)

  • Fix an issue that caused installation to fail when enabling pingtoolkit

Release 0.8.3 (Jan 6, 2022)


Issues Resolved

  • Issue #233 Ingress - semverCompare now retrieves correct K8 version for applying the correct apiVersion

    {{- if semverCompare ">=1.19.x" $top.Capabilities.KubeVersion.Version }}

  • Issue #254 Update default global.image.tag to 2112

Release 0.8.2 (Dec 17, 2021)

  • Issue #238 Added support for running a utility sidecar alongside a product workload

The utilitySidecar field under a given product can be used to run a sidecar container that will permanently alongside the product container. This sidecar can be used for utility command-line processes, such as running the collect-support-data tool or running a backup.

An example can be found in the docs/examples/pingdirectory-backup directory for running a PingDirectory backup every 6 hours via a CronJob.

    shareProcessNamespace: true
    enabled: true
  • Issue #247 Update default global.image.tag to 2111.1

Release 0.8.1 (Dec 6, 2021)

  • Issue #240 Fix failure on installation of 0.8.0 due to missing PingDirectory HTTP port value

Release 0.8.0 (Dec 6, 2021)

A PingDirectory utility sidecar container needs to share the process namespace with the main PingDirectory container running in the same pod in order to get useful output out of tools like jps. ### More support to come on the utility sidecar in future Helm release.

  • Issue #232 Update default global.image.tag to 2111

  • Issue #239 Support for custom container arguments

  enabled: true
    args: ["start-server","tail -f /dev/null"]
  • Issue #240 Allow specifying PingDirectory HTTPS port in values
  enabled: true
      containerPort: 8443

Release 0.7.9 (Dec 1, 2021)

    enabled: true
        stabilizationWindowSeconds: 300
        - type: Percent
          value: 100
          periodSeconds: 15
        stabilizationWindowSeconds: 0
        - type: Percent
          value: 100
          periodSeconds: 15
        - type: Pods
          value: 4
          periodSeconds: 15
        selectPolicy: Max
  • Issue #231 Helm test image pull policy no longer hard-coded in helm-charts/charts/ping-devops/templates/pinglib/_tests/tpl

    - imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

  • Issue #233 Cluster service for pingaccess-admin in Multi-region Support for multi-region PingAccess deployment without using an ingress. The headless service is an effective way to share the pod id across clusters.

    enabled: true
      generate: true
      SERVER_PROFILE_PATH: baseline/pingaccess
      replicaCount: 1
          service: https
        servicePort: 9000
        containerPort: 9000
        ingressPort: 443
        dataService: true
        clusterService: true
        servicePort: 9090
        containerPort: 9090
        ingressPort: 443
        dataService: true

Release 0.7.8 (Nov 2, 2021)

  • Issue #213 Removed default SERVER_PROFILE variables from values.yaml
  • Issue #216 Add option to generate a master password for ping services

    In the interest of better security practice, this enhancement provides the ability to generate this password via the derivedPassword function in helm. With this, several items can be used by default and overridden by the deployer to generate a secure password. When it generates the password:

    • A note will be added to the NOTES (see below)
    • The password will be set into the global configmap PING_IDENTITY_PASSWORD. (we may want to use a secret instead)

    NOTES (see the generated password as well as the WARNING)

    $ helm upgrade --install test-pw pingidentity/ping-devops  --set global.masterPassword.enabled=true
    # Ping DevOps
    # Description: Ping Identity helm charts - 09/18/21
    # WARNING: Master Password has been requested and generated.  This is intended to
    #          generate a password for DEVELOPMENT PURPOSES ONLY.  This password will be
    #          assigned to the PING_IDENTITY_PASSWORD unless overridden by the values.
    #          PING_IDENTITY_PASSWORD: **************

    The values used to drive the creation of this password are:


      # Master Password Generation
      # Uses Helm function derivePassword, which uses the master password
      # specification:
      #      masterPassword.enabled: {true | false}
      #      masterPassword.strength: {master password template: long | maximum}
      # {defaults to .Release.Name}
      # {defaults to .Chart.Name}
      #      masterPassword.secret: {defaults to .Release.Namespace}
        enabled: false
        strength: long
        name:   # default - .Release.Name
        site:   # default - .Chart.Name
        secret: # default - .Release.Namespace

    As shown in the example above, a deployer only needs to provide the global.masterPassword.enabled=true to have it generated.

  • Issue #221 PingDirectory service.x.containerPort updates to LDAPS_PORT environment variable

  • Issue #222 Update default global.image.tag to 2110
  • Issue #224 External Hostname Annotations on PD data service

Release 0.7.7 (Oct 7, 2021)

  • Issue #217 Update default security context group id to root (0)

          fsGroup: 0
          runAsUser: 9031
          runAsGroup: 0
  • Issue #218 Update default global.image.tag to 2109

Release 0.7.6 (Sept 18, 2021)

  • Issue #209 Fix incorrect default ldap-sdk-tools probe exec commands
  • Issue #210 Add helm-chart product/image pingtoolkit
  • Issue #211 Allow for schedulerName to be provide on workloads (pods)

Release 0.7.5 (August 30, 2021)

Release 0.7.4 (August 26, 2021)

  • Issue #196 Set initContainer settings from values.yaml instead of hard coded templates

    This issue was created since the initContainer resources were hard coded in the template, not allowing the implementor to provide their own values, causing issues when trying to deploy the pingfederate-engine in openshift.

    Moving a lot of the hard coded yaml out of the template files into the default values.yaml file. This will give the implementor full control of how the initContainer runs.

    One breaking change with the values.yaml if anyone has overridden, is that the {image name} in the global.externalImage.{name}: {image name} value is moved into a map. The default pingtoolkit externalImage looks like:

          image: pingidentity/pingtoolkit:2107
          imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
              cpu: 1m
              memory: 128Mi
              cpu: 500m
              memory: 64Mi
            allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
              - ALL
            readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
            runAsNonRoot: true
            runAsUser: 9031
            runAsGroup: 9999
  • Issue #203 testFramework - Support multiple waitFor products in testSteps

    When there are 2 waitFor's together, allow for combining them to run them within same initContainer, with a definition like:

        - name: 01-wait-for
              service: https
              service: https

    creating a couple of initContainers of:

        - name: 01-wait-for-pingfederate-admin
        - name: 01-wait-for-pingfederate-engine

Release 0.7.3 (August 24, 2021)

  • Issue #194 Change default envs for pingauthorize/pingauthorizepap

    The current envs for pingauthroize in the values.yaml file are:

        SERVER_PROFILE_PATH: paz-pap-integration/pingauthorize
        SERVER_PROFILE_PAZ_PATH: baseline/pingauthorize

    Just a side note here, the baseline/pingauthorize PATH includes a connection to pingdirectory, which will cause this to fail (pingauthorize https will return a 503).

    If someone wants to override these, they need to be sure to uset/override the SERVER_PROFILE_PARENT variable, so the parent profiles aren't brought in.

    The better default values.yaml should probably be:

        SERVER_PROFILE_PATH: getting-started/pingauthorize

    For pingauthorizepap, it should have a default SERVER_PROFILE variables as empty, as no SERVER_PROFILE is needed by default.

  • Issue #198 testFramework: Support full definition of initContainers attributes in testSteps and finalStep

    Update the testFramework to pull in all attributes of the testSteps and finalStep into the init containers and final container. This allow for setting any resource, imagePullPolicy, ...

    This came about as there was no way to set resource or imagePullPolicy details.

    With this change, will be adding a couple of defaults into the value.yamls file for the finalStep:

        name: 99-completion
        image: busybox
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
            cpu: 500m
            memory: 128Mi
            cpu: 1m
            memory: 64Mi

Release 0.7.2 (August 13, 2021)

  • Issue #191 Change variable PF_ADMIN_BASEURL to PF_ADMIN_PUBLIC_BASEURL

    Release 0.7.2 created the new variable PF_ADMIN_BASEURL. Due to the current user of the same variable with added _PUBLIC_, the actual variable name needs to be PF_ADMIN_PUBLIC_BASEURL.

Release 0.7.1 (August 13, 2021)

  • Issue #187 Create the PUBLIC hostname/ports in the global env vars configmap all the time

    Currently, the PUBLIC hostname/ports in the global env vars configmap are created if and only if the ingress in enabled.

    Normally, this would be fine, except that some of the products (i.e PingFederate) use the PUBLIC environment variable to setup items like BASE URLs and redirects for the browser. This is required for use cases when there is no ingress, but the user creates a port forward, as well as testing with no ingresses.

    So, if no ingress is created, then the PUBLIC_HOSTNAMES should be set to localhost and the PUBLIC_PORT_* should be set to the same port as the contianerPort.

    If ingress is used, then the functionality will not be changed, and the public hostname will be constructed as well as the public ingressPort.

  • Issue #188 Add the PF_ADMIN_BASEURL environment variable to the pingfederate admin/engine configmaps

    With the 10.3 release of PingFederate, there is a variable used to provide redirect links called the PF_ADMIN_BASEURL. This needs to be set by the helm chart, as it will either be a public host or localhost, depending on if the ingress is available. The container has no idea which it should be as it doesn't have insight into the environment it's running.

    If ingress is enabled, an example for this variable is:


    If ingress is not enable, an example for this variable:


Release 0.7.0 (August 09, 2021)

  • Issue #184 Create default ServiceAccount/Role/RoleBinding for testFramework

    To allow for a role to be created during testing, an rbac section is added to the testFramework allowing for the definition of that Role. If enabled, it will create a ServiceAccount, Role and RoleBinding using the same naming rules of resources and add that serviceAccount to the test pod.

    testFramework default rbac set to:

      # If rbac is enabled, this will create:
      #   - serviceAccount
      #   - role
      #   - roleBinding (between serviceAccount and role)
      # and apply the serviceAccount to the pod in the tests.
      # The names for these resources will be named using the
      # naming rules for all resources including the ReleaseName
        enabled: true
          - apiGroups:
            - '*'
            - '*'
            - '*'

Release 0.6.9 (August 06, 2021)

  • Issue #179 Bump default image tag to 2107
  • Issue #182 Set default startupProbe.timeoutSeconds to 5
  • Issue #180 Enhance testFramework to support additional pod level configurations

    When using the testFramework there are additional pod level config items that need to be provided (i.e. serviceAccountName) along with the existing securityContext.

    To allow for any item to be configured, we should add a testFramework.pod that will pull in all items into the testFramework pod definition.


      # Pod information to include
      # Examples:
      #   securityContext for all containers
      #   serviceAccount for all containers
          runAsUser: 1000
          runAsGroup: 2000
        serviceAccount: serviceaccount-name

    Breaking changes

    Note: that this will be a breaking change for anyone who has created a testFramework.securityContext. If this is the case, they need to add pod in front of securityContext.

Release 0.6.8 (July 29, 2021)

  • Issue #175 Invalid ingress resources on Kubernetes clusters > 1.18

    During resoluton of issue #170 providing support for ingress apiVersion v1, the necessary ingress yaml fields wearn't updated to relfect that new version. This is a fix. The backend definition of the Ingress will now reflect the proper definition based on a v1 or v1beta1 apiVersion.

    Example: If KubeVersion > 1.18

            name: https
              number: 443

    Example: If KubeVersion <= 1.18

          serviceName: https
          servicePort: 443

    Additionally, adding the pathType for all versions as it is now required in ingress v1.

Release 0.6.7 (July 28, 2021)

  • Issue #170 Update Ingress resource kind

    If kubernetes vesion is >1.18, setting the ingress apiVersion to v1. Otherwise, current default will be used v1beta1.

  • Issue #171 Reevaluate Lifecycle probes

    Adding startupProble as well as re-organizing how the probes are defined, allowing the deployer to use standard k8s probe definitions out of the box.

    1. Moving the probes section under global.container
    2. Changing names: (liveness --> livenessProbe, readiness --> readinessProbe)
    3. Adding startupProbe

    The new default looks like:

        # Probes
        # Probes have a number of fields that you can use to more precisely control the
        # behavior of liveness and readiness checks.
                - /opt/
            initialDelaySeconds: 30
            periodSeconds: 30
            timeoutSeconds: 5
            successThreshold: 1
            failureThreshold: 4
                - /opt/
            initialDelaySeconds: 30
            periodSeconds: 5
            timeoutSeconds: 5
            successThreshold: 1
            failureThreshold: 4
                - /opt/
            periodSeconds: 10
            failureThreshold: 90

    Breaking Changes

    This is a breaking change if anyone has overriding probes in their own values file. The fix is simply move their definition of their probes to live under global.container or the (productName).container, as well as adding "Probe" to the definition.

Release 0.6.6 (July 7, 2021)

  • Issue #160 Change default image tag to 2106
  • Issue #166 Add securityContexts to testFramework containers

    • Adding ability to provide a securityContext at the following levels:
    • Changing the default finalStep image to busybox

        # SecurityContext for all containers
          runAsUser: 1000
          runAsGroup: 2000
          - name: 01-init-example
              runAsUser: ...
              runAsUser: ...
  • Issue #167 Disable testFramework by default To enable, simply:

      enabled: true

Release 0.6.5 (July 4, 2021)

  • Issue #163 Add PingAuthorize and PingAuthorizePAP to helm charts.

    Includes pre-release to PingAuthorize 8.3

    This includes the necessary config for PingAuthorize and PingAuthorizePAP even though there isn't a release for 2105. The current edge release is required to use the default server-profiles provided in the values.yaml. Once the global tag is changed to 2106 (over next few days) PingAuthorize will be default for use over PingDataGoverance. This will be tracked in a ticket released 2105.

    Example yaml to test PingAuthoize/PAP

      enabled: true
      enabled: true
      enabled: true
      enabled: true

Release 0.6.4 (July 1, 2021)

  • Issue #158 Increment default tag to 2105 Sidecars and initContainers are valuable for a multitude of reasons - log forwarding, metric exporting, backup jobs. Because of this they can also have many ways of being configured.

    Allow for defining three top level maps to provide details for:

    • sidecars - Defines sidecar containers to be run alongside product containers.
    • initContainers - Defines initContainers to be run before product containers.
    • volumes - Defines volumes used by sidecars, initContainers and product containers.

    Example definitions

        name: pd-access-log-container
        image: pingidentity/pingtoolkit:2105
          - mountPath: /tmp/pd-access-logs/
            name: pd-access-logs
            readOnly: false
        name: statsd-exporter
        image: prom/statsd-exporter:v0.14.1
        - "--statsd.mapping-config=/tmp/mapping/statsd-mapping.yml"
        - "--statsd.listen-udp=:8125"
        - "--web.listen-address=:9102"
          - containerPort: 9102
            protocol: TCP
          - containerPort: 8125
            protocol: UDP
        name: 01-init
        image: pingidentity/pingtoolkit:2105
        command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo "Initing 1" && touch /tmp/pd-access-logs/init-1']
          - mountPath: /tmp/pd-access-logs/
            name: pd-access-logs
            readOnly: false
        emptyDir: {}
          name: statsd-config
            - key: config
              path: statsd-mapping.yml

    And within the product (or global) definition, allow for inclusion of sidecars, initContainers and volumes. These must be available in the top-level sidecars:, initContainers: and volumes:

    • includeSidecars
    • includeInitContainers - Run in order as listed in array
    • includeVolumes

    Example usages

        - pd-access-logger
        - init-1
        - pd-access-logs
        - mountPath: /opt/access-logs/
          name: pd-access-logs

Release 0.6.3 (June 21, 2021)

  • Issue #154 Increment default tag to 2105
  • Issue #155 Add clusterServiceName to product services with service clusters

Release 0.6.2 (May 24, 2021)

  • Issue #151 Add support for Container LifeCycle Event Hooks

    Adding following to values.yaml

    Adding lifecycle hooks to container

      # container life handlers, allowing for lifecycle events such
      # as postStart and preStop events
      lifecyle: {}
      # Example
      # lifecyle:
      #   postStart:
      #     exec:
      #       command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "echo Start Complete > /tmp/message"]
  • General cleanup of values.yaml comments

  • Setting default externalImages.pingtoolkit tag to 2104, and removing edge tag from ldap-sdk-tools image which will now default to same global.image.tag setting (currently 2104)

Release 0.6.1 (May 21, 2021)

  • Issue #148 Calculate checksum of ConfigMaps based on the data rather than entire ConfigMap file

    This will only use the when creating checksums in workload rather than using the entire file. It will result in no checksum change when labels/annotations are the only thing changing. A good example is the helm chart version, which changes the label, but not data.

Release 0.6.0 (May 11, 2021)

  • Changed default global.image.pullPolicy from Always to IfNotPresent.

    This is due to the fact that the global.image.tag is a non-floating tag. Once it is downloaded and present, it will not change. This small change will increase performance at startup as images are typically present when installing/updating releases.

    Simply set global.image.pullPolicy=Always to pull every time if needed.

  • BETA 2 - Testing Framework supporting helm test command and associated testFramework values.

    Cleaned up the generation of resources honoring the addReleaseNameToResource setting.

Release 0.5.9 (May 10, 2021)

  • BETA 1 - Testing Framework supporting helm test command and associated testFramework values.

    A testing framework is being created to allow for testing Ping Identity helm chart deployments using a testFramework set of values. This is currently in beta, with documentation to available soon. Expect that changes will be made to this work, until it's fully released with documentation.

Release 0.5.8 (May 6, 2021)

  • Issue #141 Fix DNS_QUERY_LOCATION on pingfederate-engine configmap.yaml

    Resolves an issue with the DNS_QUERY_LOCATION when pingfederate clustering is used for >1 pingfederate-engines

Release 0.5.7 (May 3, 2021)

  • Issue #136 ClusterIP Services port/targetPort be set to the containerPort

    Since the ClusterIP Services (aka Headless services) only provide access to the underlying container IP and port. The port, and by default targetPort, will be set to the containerPort value. The helm charts will start requiring the containerPort for any service where clusterService:true is set, otherwise it will fail with an error message.

  • Issue #138 Update image.tag to 2104 (April 2021)

Release 0.5.5 (April 29, 2021)

  • Issue #133 - Change default pingdirectory values (container.resources.requests.cpu=50m and container.replicaCount=1)

    Setting the cpu request to 50m, will provide at last some reservation of CPU, so that if there are multiple nodes, it will better even out the load.

    Additionally, setting the replicaCount to 1 by default, as many cases in development, there isn't a great need to have multiple replicas. If this is the case, simply set pingdirectory.container.replicaCount=2 or any number of replica's.

  • Issue #132 - Adding PingDirectoryProxy to mix of products

Release 0.5.5

  • Issue #126 - Unable to mount secretVolume and configMapVolumes simultaneously

    This is one additional fix to the the same thing fixed in 0.5.4. volumeMounts: had the same issue as volumes:. This completes and resolves issue #126.

Release 0.5.4

  • Issue #126 - Unable to mount secretVolume and configMapVolumes simultaneously

    Due to the fact that volumes: is an array of items volumes: usage with secret or configMap volumes exosed the issue that multiple volumes: entries were used, and only kept the last one. Fix included only using volumes: once. Note that the template will end up with a volumes: null if none are set (i.e. deployment with no Secret/ConfigMap volumes), but that is ok.

Release 0.5.3

  • Issue #121 - Create global-env-vars hosts/ports for all products regardless if enabled

    The status of this config map is used to form the checksum for the products. This will ensure that a simple addition/deletion of a product from the deployed mix won't cause all products to be restarted.

  • Issue #122 - Update image.tag to 2103 (March 2021)

    The image tag is modified to 2103. This includes:

    • Security Context on StatefulSets to include a fsGroup=9999 (same as gid)
    • Update the services ContainerPort to unprivileged ports (i..e. 636 --> 1636)

Release 0.5.2

  • Issue #113 - Default pingaccess-admin to StatefulSet

    In order to provide HA with a PingAccess cluster between admin/engine nodes, it is required that the PingAccess Admin deploy as a StatefulSet with persistence. Otherwise if the PingAccess Admin goes down, the engines would lose connectivity to that node and be unable to get further config updates and subsequently have to bounce and lose their web-session information.

    The new default yaml

        type: StatefulSet
  • Issue #95 - Fix default serviceAccount in workload for vault

    Fixed issue that was created in Issue 95 (using annotations to provide vault details) to pull serviceAccountName from the proper location in annotations.

            serviceAccountName: vault-auth
  • Issue #116 - Support Annotations at Workload Level.

    Support annotations at the workload level. For workloads, adding .spec.template.metadata.

    Example telegraf annotation

    would lead to:
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      labels: samir Helm pingfederate-engine ping-devops-0.5.1
      name: samir-pingfederate-engine
      replicas: 1
          maxSurge: 1
          maxUnavailable: 0
        type: RollingUpdate

  • Issue #117 - Bug - cluster service shouldn't use image name for service name.

  • Issue #114 - Revamp vault.hashicorp.secrets value .yaml and support per path secret Detailed documentation on this can be found the Vault Config docs

Release 0.5.1

  • Added back in the service name by default to the private cert generation pulled out of the previous release by accident.

    If the product was pingaccess-admin and release was acme, then the service name might be acme-ping-access-admin. This name by default will be added to the alternative hosts of the private certificate generation by default. Without this the pingaccess clustering will fail during setup.

Release 0.5.0

  • Issue #103 - Provide ability to add additional alt-names/alt-ips to private cert generation

    Allow for a privateCert structure to contain optional arrays additionalHosts and additionalIPs:

        generate: true

    In addition, if the ingress for the product is enabled, the host(s) created for that ingress will also be added to the alt-names.

    The above example (with an ingress) will create a cert used by pingaccess-admin containing:

        Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
            Issuer: CN=pingaccess-admin
            X509v3 extensions:
                X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
          ,, IP Address:

Release 0.4.9

  • Issue #104 - Update default global image tag to 2102 (Feb 2021)

    Update the default global image tag in base values.yaml and remove edge from example yamls.

Release 0.4.8

  • Issue #100 - Change pingfederate-engine HPA to a default of disabled

    Changing the default value pingfederate-engine.clustering.autoscaling.enabled=false, since the default CPU Request is set to 0.

Release 0.4.7

  • Issue #95 - Unable to set numerous Vault configuration options

    Updated ability to add any hashicorp.vault annotation to the workload. As part of this effort, the existing name/values have been deprecated, however will continue to work for a period of time.

    Updated details can be found in the Vault Config docs.

  • Issue #97 - Add the ability to add annotations to all resources generated similar to current support for Labels. This will allow deployers to specify additional annotations at either the global and/or product level. An example of the values yaml would look like:

      annotations: test-name
        app.pingaccess/version: v1234
  • Additional cleanup of Notes.txt outputting detail of deployment.

Release 0.4.6

  • Minor follow on update to cpu/memory request/limit sizes for init containers.

Release 0.4.5

  • Issue #89 - Update default workload resource cpu/memory request sizes.

    Updating defaults to create a usage better reflecting actual memory usage by product. And minimizing amount of CPU needed as testing generally utilizes very little. Of course, it is definitely recommended that production deployments specify amount of cpu and memory required and limited to.

    Current defaults are set to:

    # Ping DevOps
    # Description: All Ping Identity product images with integration
    #           Product         Workload   cpu-R cpu-L mem-R mem-L  Ing
    #    --------------------- ----------- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
    #  √ pingaccess-admin      deployment  0     2     1Gi   4Gi   false
    #  √ pingaccess-engine     deployment  0     2     1Gi   4Gi   false
    #  √ pingdataconsole       deployment  0     2     .5Gi  2Gi   false
    #  √ pingdatagovernance    deployment  0     2     1.5Gi 4Gi   false
    #  √ pingdatagovernancepap deployment  0     2     .75Gi 2Gi   false
    #  √ pingdatasync          deployment  0     2     .75Gi 2Gi   false
    #  √ pingdelegator         deployment  0     500m  32Mi  64Mi  false
    #  √ pingdirectory         statefulset 0     2     2Gi   8Gi   false
    #  √ pingfederate-admin    deployment  0     2     1Gi   4Gi   false
    #  √ pingfederate-engine   deployment  0     2     1Gi   4Gi   false
    #  √ ldap-sdk-tools        deployment  0     0     0     0     false
    #  √ pd-replication-timing deployment  0     0     0     0     false

Release 0.4.4

  • Issue #80 - Add support for importing a secret containing license into the container. Adds ability to add secret and configMap data to a container via a VolumeMount. A good use of this practice - bringing product licenses into the container.

    Example of creating 3 volume mounts in container from secret and configMap

            license: /opt/in/instance/server/default/conf/pingfederate.lic
            hello: /opt/in/instance/server/default/hello.txt
              pf-props: /opt/in/etc/

    In this case, a secret (called pingfederate-license) and configMap (called pingfederate-props) will bring in a couple of key values (license, hello) and (pf-props) into the container as specific files. The results will looks like:

    Example of kubectl describe of pingfederate-admin container

          /opt/in/etc/ from pingfederate-props (ro,path="")
          /opt/in/instance/server/default/conf/pingfederate.lic from pingfederate-license (ro,path="pingfederate.lic")
          /opt/in/instance/server/default/hello.txt from pingfederate-license (ro,path="hello.txt")
        Type:        Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
        SecretName:  pingfederate-license
        Optional:    false
        Type:      ConfigMap (a volume populated by a ConfigMap)
        Name:      pingfederate-props
        Optional:  false

Release 0.4.3

  • Issue #83 - Remove old pingdirectory tag check when creating service-cluster. This caused issues when creating a pingdirectory deployment with most recent tags (tags other than edge or 2012).

Release 0.4.2

  • Issue #79 - Adding support for product PingDataGovernance PAP
  • Issue #78 - Adding support to provide affinity definition to the workload of a product.

    Example values.yaml to add podAntiAffinity to pingdirectory

            # Add a hard requirement for each PD pod to be deployed to a different node
            - labelSelector:
                - key:
                  operator: In
                  - pingdirectory
              topologyKey: ""
            # Add a soft requirement for each PD pod to be deployed to a different AZ
            - weight: 1
                  - key:
                    operator: In
                    - pingdirectory
                topologyKey: ""

Release 0.4.1

  • Change default image tag to 2101 (January 2021).
  • Create private certs and keystore for use by images, only if the value {product-name}.privateCert.generate=true. Defaults are false.

    • Helm will generate the a tls.crt and tls.key, place it into a kubernetes secret called {release-productname}-private-cert.
    • Mount the secret into the image under /run/secrets/private-cert
    • An init container will pull the tls.crt and tls.key into a pkcs12 keystore and place it into a file /run/secrets/private-keystore/keystore.env that will be mounted into the running container.
    • When the container's hooks are running, it will source the environment variables in this keystore.env. The default variables set are:
      • PRIVATE_KEYSTORE_PIN={base64 random pin}
      • PRIVATE_KEYSTORE={pkcs12 keystore}

    yaml to generate a private cert/keystore for pingaccess-admin

        generate: true

    Example of created /run/secrets/private-keystore/keystore.env

  • Added support for PingAccess clustering between pingaccess-admin and multiple pingaccess-engine containers.

    • See everything.yaml for example of deploying a PingAccess cluster using PingFederate/PingDirectory to authenticate
    • It is required to either:
      • generate the private cert (see above) with the value of pingaccess-admin.privateCert.generate=true or
      • provide your own cert secret called {release-productname}-private-cert containing a valid tls.crt and tls.key.
    • Enable both the pingaccess-admin and pingaccess-engine helm chart products

    Example values to create a clustered pingaccess

      enabled: true
        generate: true
        SERVER_PROFILE_PATH: baseline/pingaccess
      enabled: true
        SERVER_PROFILE_PATH: baseline/pingaccess
      enabled: true
        SERVER_PROFILE_PATH: baseline/pingfederate
            service: ldaps
      enabled: true
        SERVER_PROFILE_PATH: baseline/pingfederate
      enabled: true
        SERVER_PROFILE_PATH: baseline/pingdirectory

Release 0.4.0

  • Support availability of PingDirectory pods through the cluster headless kubernetes service. Allows for PingDirectory nodes to find one another during the replication enable/init process.

    Adds following to pingdirectory-cluster

      annotations: "true"
      publishNotReadyAddresses: true

Release 0.3.9

  • Fixed the default wait-for service name on pingfederate-engine (admin --> https).
  • Changed default on readiness command to check for readiness every 5 seconds rather than 30. This allows for availability on some services, such as PingFederate which is normally ready in 30 sec.

Release 0.3.8

  • Issue #56 - Improved Default Naming on Global vars - PORTs

  • Issue #56 - Improved Default Naming on Global vars - PORTs

    In release 0.3.6, global-env-vars were created for PORTS. The naming structure used was complex and difficult, primarily because a product can have several ports open on a particular private and public host. The format will be more consistent as defined by the following:

    {product-short-code with type}_{public or private}_{hostname or port}{_service if port}

    An example with PD might look like (note the service names of https and data-api):

  • Issue #62 - When creating configMapRef's, take into account the proper release name to include

    ConfigMapRef names in workloads were not consistent with the ConfigMaps created by default when taking into account the addReleaseNameToResource setting of prepend, append or none. This fixes that issue ensuring that config maps are consistent.

  • Added global-env private/public host/port for PingDataConsole, which was missing.

  • Changed the default pingfederate-admin admin service name to https to reduce confusion.
  • Changed the default pingfederate-engine engine service name to https to reduce confusion.

Release 0.3.7

  • Fixes issue with service -vs- ingress name on creation of ingress to service mapping. Resolves issue #57.

Release 0.3.6

  • Cleaning up and making services/ingresses easier to use together. Incorporating all the ports used in both a service and ingress into the same location of the services structure.

    The example below shows a container/service/ingress and how to specify the ports at each level.

    • containerPort - Replaces targetPort
    • servicePort - Replaces port
    • ingressPort - New entry
          containerPort: 8443 <--- changed from targetPort
          servicePort: 1443   <--- changed from port
          ingressPort: 443    <--- new.  moved from ingress
          dataService: true
          containerPort: 9443 <--- changed from targetPort
          servicePort: 2443   <--- changed from port
          ingressPort: 2443   <--- new.  moved from ingress
          dataService: true
          - host:
            - path: /api
                serviceName: api        <--- changed from servicePort
            - path: /directory/v1
                serviceName: data-api   <--- changed from servicePort

    Additionally, global-env-vars will be created for each of these ports. If the name of the product is PROD, the the following ports would be created:

      PROD_API_PRIVATE_PORT="1443"          # This is the servicePort
      PROD_API_PUBLIC_PORT="443"            # This is the ingressPort
  • Fixed missing USER_BASE_DN setting in simple-sync.yaml example.

Release 0.3.5

  • Allowing config values to determine use of init containers to wait-for other chart products. For each product, you can now provide a waitFor structure providing the name and service that should be waited on before the running container con continue. This will basically inject an initContainer using the PingToolkit wait-for utility until it can nc host:port before continuing.

    PingFederate Admin waiting on pingdirectory ldaps service to be available

            service: ldaps
            service: https
  • By default, the pingfederate-engine will waitFor pingfederate-admin before it starts.

Release 0.3.4

  • Adding init container to PingFederate Admin to wait-for PingDirectory's LDAPs port if the pingdirectory.enabled=true. This fixes an issue that keeps PingFederate Admin from starting when it's dependent on PingDirectory. In the case that PingFederate isn't dependent on PingDirectory and it is still enabled, it will simply delay the start time of PingFederate admin. A future version will allow for specifying a list of services to wait-for so this can be turned off/on by deployer.
  • Moved the securityContext settings added to release 0.3.3 from the container to the workload, as that is the proper place to use them. Required for use of fsGroup setting.

Release 0.3.3

  • Adding the ability for a deployer to add a securityContext to the containers. Currently, there are warning messages in the images when an outside-in pattern is used (i.e. securityContext is set). Also, many of the default ports require privileged access, so care should be taken along with testing to ensure the containers start up fine. Additional, one should not change the security context when doing and upgrade or using a PCV from a previous deployment.

An example securityContext that can be used might look like:

      allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
        - ALL
      runAsGroup: 1000
      runAsNonRoot: true
      runAsUser: 100

By default, the values.yaml in the chart will set the securityContext to empty:

    securityContext: {}

Release 0.3.2

  • Replaced init container on pingfederate-engine to use pingtoolkit rather than 3rd party curlimage. Additionally added resource constraints and security context to this init container.
  • Remove hardcoded SERVER_PROFILE_BRANCH set to master, relying on git repo default branch
  • Cleanup pingdelegator values. public hostnames for pingfederate and pingdirectory built based off of ingress hostnames, part of {release-name}-global-env-vars configmap.
  • Remove default nginx annotations of ingress resources. If an nginx controller is used for ingress, the following ingress annotations should be included:


    By removing the following annotations from the default, use of current config values will result in no ingress being set. You must add these in via your .yaml file or via separate --set settings.


Release 0.3.1

  • Add container envFrom for {release-name}-env-vars back as optional. Fixes breaking change from 0.2.8 to 0.2.9 for those that used this configmap.
  • Added ability for deployer to add their own envFrom's via their values.yaml. An example (adding an optional configmap/secrets to all products). Just change global to the name of the product to only have that product use the references.
    - configMapRef:
        name: my-killer-configmap
        optional: true
    - secretRef:
        name: my-killer-secrets
        optional: true

Release 0.3.0

  • Consolidate deployment/stateful set templates to a single workload template.
  • Changes to values.yaml

    • Created a workload map under global (see below)
    • Moved old deployment information under workload
    • Moved old statefulSet information under workload
    • Updated pingfederate-admin to reflect new workload
    • Updated pingdirectory to reflect new workload
    • Allows for any product to be run as a deployment or statefulSet


    Using workload.type=StatefulSet will create pvc resources and allow for persistence on restarts of containers. This is helpful during development. Be aware that the pvc resources will need to be deleted to startup a fresh copy of the product images.

    ```yaml global: workload: type: Deployment # Can be Deployment or StatefulSet (see warning above)

        type: RollingUpdate # Can be RollingUpdate or Recreate
          maxSurge: 1
          maxUnavailable: 0
      partition: 0          # Used for canary testing if n>0
        enabled: true
        # For every volume defined in the volumes list, 3 items will be
        # created in the StatefulSet
        #   1. container.volumeMounts - name and mountPath
        #   2. template.spec.volume - name and persistentVolumeClaim.claimName
        #   3. spec.volumeClaimTemplates - persistentVolumeClaim
            mountPath: /opt/out
              - ReadWriteOnce
                  storage: 4Gi


  • Renamed template files in pinglib from .yaml to .tpl

  • Added terminationGracePeriodSeconds to container to support setting in values
  • Added serviceAccountName to vault.hashicorp to specify to the container what service account can be used to authenticate to the Hashicorp Vault Injector